


岩石弹簧 and 绿河, 怀俄明 are a thriving outdoor paradise during the summer. 有10,500平方英里的纯冒险之地, 你一定能找到适合每个人的东西, 从徒步旅行, 骑自行车, 钓鱼, 打高尔夫球, 观光, 恐龙狩猎, 购物或者只是简单地远离一切.  我们整理了一份斯威特沃特县最好的地方之旅, 所以享受你最喜欢的夏季活动吧.


成立于1965年 Seedskadee国家野生动物保护区 encompasses more than 26,000英亩 along the river between Fontenelle Dam and 绿河. Seedskadee是多种鸟类的家园, 叉角羚, 黑尾鹿, 驼鹿, 鱼, 爬行动物和两栖动物. Most wildlife observation activity occurs along the wildlife auto tour route and river corridor. 的 auto tour route is on the west side of the river and passes by the Hawley wetland unit, 保护区总部及汉普湿地组. Seedskadee also offers world-class trout 钓鱼, and waterfowl, upland bird and big-game hunting.

进入Seedskadee国家野生动物保护区: 来自绿河, 怀俄明, travel west on I-80 about six miles to the La Barge Road (Highway 372) exit. Continue north about 27 miles on Highway 372 to the main entrance sign for the refuge. 右转进入砾石入口道路和旅行2.距离避难所总部5英里路西巴吉路372号. 41.85070000, -109.85750000


把你的自行车带到 绿河自行车公园, offering a variety of exciting trails and features for families and experienced cyclists alike. 这个公园的特色包括泥地跳跃, 有梯子桥的高架小径, 带有护坡转弯和滚轴泵的泵道, 还有一个初学者技能区. For an easy ride, families can hop on their bikes and tour the park’s edges on the Loop Trail. Trails are marked similarly to ski runs with green circles highlighting the easiest trails and black diamonds left for more advanced riders. Mountain bikers of all skill levels can enjoy the bike park without worries.

访问点: 从i - 80, 绿河91号出口/WY-530号出口/火焰峡谷东路出口, 合并到E火焰峡谷路, 沿着坡道到犹他大道.在门罗大道左转,一直走到门罗大道. 变成一条土路,进入斯特拉顿-迈尔斯公园. 把车开到路的尽头,然后停车. 的 绿河自行车公园 is across the creek just south of the parking lot.


的 探险岛公园的白水公园和北油管通道 提供水上和游泳设施. 探险岛公园的北航道油管通道是1,200-foot lazy river/tubing channel that is an excellent place for beginner kayakers to practice Eskimo rolls, Eddy-outs和peelout. 或者坐着管子顺流而下. 的 Whitewater Park has three main features along the way: the first feature forms a smooth, 友好的波浪,非常适合初学者, the second feature is a slightly more intense wave located about a half-mile downstream, 第三个特点是, known as Castle Falls formed from eight pneumatically controlled gates that can be raised or lowered to create the perfect wave at almost any flow rate.

访问点: 南第二东街475号.格林河,怀俄明州82935


火烈湖峡谷 是一些最好的动物的故乡吗 冷水钓鱼和战利品钓鱼 在乡下. Trophy-sized trout, especially large lake trout, reward anglers year-round at 火烈湖峡谷. Fish weighing more than 50 pounds have set both 怀俄明 and Utah state records.

Linwood Bay, next to Lucerne Marina, is always a hot spot to catch the big ones. Rainbows are found throughout the reservoir and usually become active during April. 五月或六月初, kokanee action picks up with the 鱼 suspended 25 to 30 feet deep in open water or pelagic areas. Even smallmouth bass can be found along the rocky shoreline habitat throughout the Gorge.

访问点: Off Squaw Hollow Road, McKinnon, WY 82938 Lat/Long -  41° 9′ 41″ N, 109° 33′ 4″ W

See the Wild Horses on the 飞行员巴特野马风景环线 Tour

飞行员巴特野马风景环线 会是你和你的家人难忘的经历吗. 斯威特沃特县很珍贵 野马 are living examples of a wide-open landscape and untamed frontier spirit. After being extinct from this country, the Spanish reintroduced 马 in the 1800s. 现在的马群是那些西班牙马的后代, along with ohter 马 turned out by ranchers or enticed from ranches by wild horse herds. Watch for the 野马 between 岩石弹簧 and Fourteen-Mile Hill and all the way across the top of White Mountain.

访问点: Flaming Gorge Way and Wild Horse Canyon Road格林河,怀俄明州82935


杀手沙丘, 大约有109个,000英亩, stretches 55 miles east from the 绿河 Basin across the Continental Divide and into the Great Divide Basin. 的 dunes are the second largest active sand dune field in the world. 探索令人敬畏的Killpecker沙丘和发现11,在一个指定的“开放游乐区”的一辆沙丘车上, 污垢自行车, 全地形车及其他越野车辆. Or take a hike at the dunes for a chance to see the herd of rare desert elk or view Boar’s Tusk, a prominent geological landmark in 怀俄明 that stands over 400 feet tall.

访问点:  从石泉,把你带走.S. 往北大约10英里. 在cr4 -18号路口右转(在那个写着岩画的牌子那里), 沙丘, 野猪牙), 然后在cr4 -17离开.


Venture 26 miles northeast of 岩石弹簧 to see ancient artworks known as the 白山岩画. Over a dozen panels bearing hundreds of figures were etched into sandstone bedrock of the Eocene Bridger formation. 的se incised petroglyphs were carved by the ancestors of present Plains and Great Basin Native Americans. 这些岩画包括麋鹿的图画, 水牛, 马, teepees and several kinds of human figures including riders with feather headdresses. 许多岩画可以追溯到大约200年前, as evidenced by the horse figures which were introduced by the Euro-Americans. Other figures appear to be much older and are estimated by archeologists to be as much as 1,一千年前. 的 petroglyphs are located on a brown sandstone cliff on White Mountain in the Upper Wasatch formation. 的 cliff containing the petroglyphs faces south and runs west to east. It is about 300 feet long and varies from a height of 10 feet at the west end to 40 feet at the east end.

访问点: 从石泉,把你带走.S. 往北大约10英里. 在cr4 -18号路口右转(在那个写着岩画的牌子那里), 沙丘, 野猪牙), 然后在cr4 -17离开, and drive about 14 miles on the dirt road until you reach the 白山岩画 sign. Turn left onto the dirt road and drive about two miles until you reach the BLM parking lot. From here, you’re on foot for about ¼ mile on a packed-foot trail to the petroglyphs. 确保乘坐四轮驱动的车辆. Pack food and water, and let someone know where you’re going and when you plan to return.